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Wednesday, September 12, 2012

10 New Flat-Belly Food Rules

For all the effort you've put into toning it--and for all the cupcakes you've given up to maintain it--your midsection should be as rock-hard as a diamond and just as much fun to show off. So why does it seem like your quest for a sexy stomach always hits a bump...right about belly-button level?

Fisherman Survives Day at Sea in Crate

A 19-year-old fisherman was rescued off the coast of Alaska Saturday after spending more than 24 hours adrift in a 4-by-4 foot plastic fish crate.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Mysterious Changes in Ocean Salt Spur NASA Expedition

Over the past 50 years, the salty parts of the oceans have become saltier and the fresh regions have become fresher, and the degree of change is greater than scientists can explain.
Researchers are heading out into one particularly salty ocean region, in the middle of the North Atlantic Ocean, in the hopes of better understanding what drives variation in salinity in the upper ocean.

Science Is Getting Closer to Curing Baldness

While you've probably heard of the expensive treatments likes Rogaine and Propecia, the latest hair loss remedy is so simple it's silly: Vitamin D. This basic nutrient is all the rage in baldness research, according to a new report in The Wall Street Journal. Unlike the products currently on the market, innovative new treatments targeting vitamin D receptors have the ability to help people who are already bald regrow their hair.

Best Upgrades and Add-ons For Your Computer

Is your computer getting on in years? You're not alone.
And so you've got one of two choices: if cash is tight, you'll need to stick it out for a while longer and deal with what you have, but those with the budget might consider buying a new PC or Mac, typically ranging in price from $600 to $1200.